heh. no, not the Ann Rule book. sometimes it’s like i’ve married a stranger. i’ve known mr. fleegan for fourteen years. that’s a long time. that’s almost half of my life. (my god, where does the time go?) and still, he says things that suprise me. shock me, even.

last night we were watching the 4 hours worth of Bruce Springsteen concert on VH1Classic (love that channel. by the way starting at sundown today they’re having Rush Hashana! i guess they’re gonna play Rush videos and concerts all night long?), and then after that a Genesis concert started. i think it was a reunion concert cos it was from last year. anyway, mr. fleegan looks up and says, “hey, Phil Collins is playing the drums.”

“…of course he is. this is Genesis.”

“i didn’t know he could play drums.”

“wha- are you joking?”


“yes you are. you’re kidding me, right? this is one of those things that you say because you know i’ll freak out about it? like how liz says things about ZZ Top?”

“no. i really didn’t know he played drums.”

“… who are you?”

what’s sadder still, he probably knows ALL the words to every Genesis/Phil Collins song.

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