omegle #1

Category: dribblings

This post is rated R. just so ya know.

i’m stealing the idea from Cookie. though, now that i know cookie chats on Omegle, i feel obligated to start every chat with, “Cookie, is that you?”


Connecting to server…
Looking for someone you can chat with. Hang on.
You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: Cookie, is that you?
You: hi
Stranger: 8====D
You: nice.
Stranger: thank you
You: it’s so big.
Stranger: i do my best
Stranger: (.Y.)
Stranger: thats all i got
You: well, you’re well on your way there.
Stranger: on my way where?
You: i don’t know. so do you greet everyone with a drawing of a penis?
Stranger: no, just you, thought id see where it led me in terms of conversation
Stranger: is more interesting than “hi”
You: what if i had been your grandma?
Stranger: id be quite quite surprised seeing as my grandmother on my mothers side is dead, and my grandmother on my fathers side is on a road trip and cant use computers for shit
You: yeah but, grandmas always know. they always know.
Stranger: yes, i suppose they
Stranger: do
Stranger: but im sure shes seen a character penis before
You: your grandma rocks.
Stranger: hell yeah
Stranger: shes the shit
Stranger: youre the first person ive talked to that actually talked back
You: really?
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: everyone else after i say hi they disconnect
You: you’re the first person who greeted me with a cock and balls.
Stranger: well i feel special
You: me too!
You: are we BFF now?
Stranger: hell yeah
Stranger: lets go to the zoo
You: sweet.
You: can we go see the monkeys?
Stranger: yeah
Stranger: and we can throw our shit at them
Stranger: give them a taste of their own medicine
You: they would NEVER expect that.
Stranger: no, they would not
You: it would be chaos.
Stranger: thats the magic of it
You: i’m loving this plan.
Stranger: me too
Stranger: im excited
You: do you supposed when they arrest us we’ll get to sit in the same cell?
Stranger: i hope so
Stranger: or we can throw our poop at the police
Stranger: and theyd slip
Stranger: and not catch us
You: yes. that’s a great get away plan.
You: you’re full of ideas.
You: and poop.
Stranger: well, yeah, right now
Stranger: but not for long
You: heh.
Stranger: speaking of witch i gotta go take my butt plug out
You: okay, see ya later at the zoo.
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
