13. 8th Confession by James Patterson and Maxine Paetro

Dear James Patterson’s Women’s Murder Club Book Series,

I don’t know how to put this gently, so I’m just going to come right out and say what needs to be said: We’re through. It’s over.

And? For the record? I feel like you broke up with me first, but you kept coming around, so I kept letting you in. And you’d break my heart. JILL. And then we’d get back together for a while. Then you’d break my heart again. YUKI’S MOM. and then somehow you’d sweet talk your way over again.

Well, not any more. I’m done. I threw out all the CDs and clothes you left over here. So don’t even act like next year when book 9 comes out that you’ll swing by here to “pick up some stuff” because it’s not here any more. We are Officially Over so lose my number, okay?

We’ll always have books 1 – 8. Except not book 3 and not book 8, jackass.

Yawnfully Yours,


PS. The mystery stuff was okay. Interesting choice of murder weapon. But it’s like you guys HATE the characters. Why must you torture them so? It would be different if the emotional torture added something to the books BUT IT NEVER DOES. The ONLY time it worked was in BOOK ONE. That was 8 books ago! Your formula is NOT WORKING. Try a different plot device once in a while.

this one gets forty bajillion Cansecos

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