i needed a new digital camera (my old digital camera is 9 years old. it was time.) for to take some pictures of roxy rockstar and her summertime hair cut. she looks like a hound dog now!

here’s a few shots from the new camera. it’s a canon powershot SD1200 IS. to be honest, it’s not that much of an improvement from my old powershot. i shouldn’t say that, it does have more settings, but it feels kinda dinky to hold. also? it’s noisy. i’m going to give it a week and if it doesn’t grow on me i’m going to take it back.

here’s the most non-blurry pic of roxy. every time i try to take her picture she’s gotta be all moving.


and here’s ben talking to a stuffed kitty.




mister fleegan looking cool in the pool.

oh my gosh, have i mentioned the Killer Hastas From Outer Space? well, they’re still doing GREAT. despite the fact they get no rain and are out in the sun all day.

i’m pretty sure they’re eating the neighborhood children.

i was messing with the macro setting. and i took pictures of several of my doodles. that was really cool. i think i’ve got a new hobby there. it was hilarious to see my little doodles blown up huge on the computer.

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