
Category: dribblings

yesterday my internet was down. sorry.


Book Title of the Day: (i’ve been forgetting to do these)

Chicks and Salsa

it’s a kid’s book and on the front is a bunch of chickens and one of them is wearing a blanket and sombrero; it was really cute.


my Sweet Library Stories didn’t last long. at the ‘brary yesterday my pal jan and i rearranged about four sections of shelves to make the home improvement section easier for the patrons to paw through. i say paw through because that section is always trashed cos the books on landscaping and building and improving are tall and the shelves were short and so the books had to lay on their sides. you couldn’t read the titles on the spines. and people apparently have no patience for that kind of thing. they would kill these books and then not EVEN try to set them back up. animals.
for the past two days we’ve had people come in and actually tear that section apart. i had books being shoved out the other side of the shelves. all of a sudden you’d see books fall off a shelf and it was because the impatient jerkhole on the other side was just shoving books around like some kind of half starved wolverine looking for a morsel of food. after two days in a row of cleaning up other people’s mess, (and i’m talking about adults here. the kid’s section is usually in a constant state of chaos, that’s understandable. what’s not understandable is grown adults acting like spoiled brats.
what actually sent me over the edge yesterday was this husband and wife coming in and destryoing that section. they’re the ones who pushed the landscape books into the books on the other side of the shelf (the game/cards/sport section) making ALL the books fall into the floor and they were all mixed up like a non-fiction soup of doom. okay, so we can’t have books on the floor because books+carpet=slippery as hell. so i go over there WHILE THE BOZOS ARE STILL SEARCHING FOR TREASURE AMONGST THE LANDSCAPE BOOKS. they’re on the other side of the stack right? but i can totally see them because like i say, they’ve made a huge hole…there’s no books on the shelf. and they are laughing. i say to them, “hey, can you guys take it easy over there?” and they keep laughing, but they don’t acknowledge me at all. and they continue to tear it up. then they pick out whatever home improvement for ‘tards book they deem worthy and laugh their way to the circulation desk. as they check out they laugh but never do they say they’re sorry for being complete wastes of society or for making a huge mess. these are adults. it kills me how i’m still shocked at the public sometimes.
anyway, the part that made me glad i don’t own a gun because i’d pro’ly use it, was when they were making a mess RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME the female waste of oxygen says to the dickless jubilee about the mess, “it’s okay, we’re just giving them something to do.” then back with the laughing.

needless to say, that flew all over me. i’d love to go to her work and destroy a desk or shit on the floor or spill a 2 liter co-cola (say, have you noticed how i tend to have these scatological revenge senarios? how primative of me.), you know, to give her something to do.

NOW HEAR THIS: let’s say you’re at the library and you, being a normal person and not a wild animal, happen to accidentally kill a shelf of books (they fall over, fall off, slide away, whatev). these things happen. sometimes the book holder on the shelf is wonky, sometimes the holder doesn’t work at all because it’s very old, for whatever reason the shelf you were at is destroyed. this is not a moment of shame. this is an everyday occurrence. the way to handle this situation is to either

A. put the books back. or
B. if you don’t know how the books go back on the shelf (especially if it’s non-fiction and the numbers and letters seem daunting… and they can be.) find a library worker and say something like, “dude, i destroyed a shelf on accident, i’m sorry.” (or if it’s that embarassing to you, and no one saw you destroy it you can always tell the library worker that, “hey i was over there and apparently someone killed a shelf, just thought you should know.”)

but whatever you do, DON’T be a spoiled douchebag and destroy a shelf and be all, “oh i’m just giving them some work to do.” cos guess what? i’m petty and cruel. and i’ll remember you forever, and you’ll never get ANY library mercy. and trust me, you want library mercy. you treat me like a servant who’s only job is to clean up after your lazy ass and i become a brick wall. see, what will happen is, you’ll need me for something. you’ll come in and you won’t be able to find something, you’ll come in with your kid and need help researching a topic, you’ll come in and need help on the computer, you’ll come in and have a fine on your card but no change but you really need to check out this one book and could you pay that fine next time?, you’ll come in and you’ll need me. oh yes, you’ll need me. and i? well, i’ll be too busy for you. which is a shame, cos i could have totally helped you.

i should say though, for every rude slob that comes in there’s 200 awesome patrons who we bend over backwards for. seriously. and i love helping people find books either to read or for research. it’s like finding clues in a mystery or something. (i am nerd) but i don’t like being treated like i’m someone’s personal janitor. and rude people piss me off.

whew, thanks for letting me vent (full moon and all that). sorry it went on forever.

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