Chairman Meow: Week Two
Category: dribblings
i’ve been busy lately, and i’m sorry. and it’s not looking good for me reading 50 books this year either. damn. i blame Lebowski and Bejeweled Blitz, mostly.
Lebowski is playing more so i guess he feels better. his bowels are still just awful and he’s still farting some kind of toxic waste farts. he goes to the vet next monday for another round of shots and such. but like io say, he’s playing a lot and also he’s getting bigger.
everyone has been asking me how Roxie is handling the cat. for the first week we let them see each other for a little bit, but because Lebowski had worms and tons of fleas, we wouldn’t let them around each other. after 10 days of Frontline and worm meds we’re not as nervous.
she looks like she’s smiling. she’s not. it’s more like a wince. the cat is in front of her and she’s all, “what cat? hey, can i go outside now?”
she tries to ignore the cat. the cat, on the other hand, wants to play. but then, since Roxie is so big and awkward when she moves, the cat gets nervous thinking that Roxie is either going to attack or Godzilla right over him. but so far there’s been no hissing or punching or slashing. usually Roxie will lay down and the cat will play around her (like, with a ball), but when the cat bumps into her or touches her in any way, Roxie jumps up like she’s been set of fire.
they are absolutely adorable! together and each on their own. i love that the meowy is so smitten with the woofie, my experience is that it’s often the opposite. cats and dogs together rocks, i’m sure the dog will see sense anyday!
thank you, Pia. the dog is still afraid of the cat, but she’s getting a bit more brave. i’m thinking of putting some bacon grease on the cat to make him seem more appealing to the pooch.
Dear PETA,
that was a joke, you idiots.