
Category: dribblings

justin is still in the hospital. he’s getting to eat a little bit. but otherwise i think things are still the same. pain. nausea. and for the past two days they keep saying, “he might get to go home tomorrow.” but then he never gets to. he’s miserable. but i still think this surgery went better than the last one, cos i seem to remember he had a fever for days after the last one. and this one hasn’t been like that. still, please keep him in your prayers.


son of a-! i’m sick again. again! i’ve got the cough of 1000 days. how did this happen? i’m never sick! i don’t get sick! and on the off years that i do get sick? i don’t get sick for another year or two. what the hell, man? i turn 30 and now i get consumption every 4 months? i don’t like this. not at all! i just had this what, in november? i’ve been hacking up the ol’ lung butter all weekend. i was going to go visit little bro, but seeing as how he’s in a hospital i didn’t think it would be an awesome idea to bring him my germs. so then i was going to go to this thing the GPL was putting on at the mall. it was going to be at least something awesome to do. but no, i stayed at home on the couch coughing up a lung into kleenex.

i’m totally blaming this on the ‘brary. i know it’s the germs from those rugrats that cough all over the place and wipe their snotnoses on our books and puzzles and doors or whathaveyou. and tomorrow my cow-orkers are gonna hate me and act like i’ve got the plague. BECAUSE I HAVE THE PLAGUE.
…if it hadn’t been for you germy kids!


before i caught my cold we had some girl’s night shenanigans.

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