
Category: dribblings

i hope all you Muthas had a good Mutha’s Day.

we’re back from TN. it was good to see little hoostin. he’s still in mucho pain and he doesn’t get out of his recliner much, but i probably wouldn’t either. he’ll FINALLY get the catheter out this wednesday. maybe he’ll feel like walking around more after that. poor dude. so please keep him on your prayer lists as he’s still very miserable.

his pain and misery didn’t stop us from watching a ton of Harvey Birdman episodes and a couple of Venture Brothers as well. he let me borrow his VB seasons 1 and 2 on DVD. kelly, i so know what we’re doing tomorrow.


True Confessions: i’ve been listening to a lot of Hall and Oates lately.


mr. fleegan and i will be in Good Ol’ Floppy Top this weekend visiting little bro. i won’t have internet access. but that won’t matter cos no one surfs the ‘net on the weekends anymore anyway. that’s so 1998.


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