when you start the wii fit for the first time it asks you to pick a “trainer”. i was hoping the choices were something like Mario, Luigi, and the Princess… but no. this game is serious. so the choices are basically Dude and Chick. the trainer is the cartoon that shows you how to do the excersises as well as talks non-stop about, “don’t forget to breathe!” and “count with me!” (only, when it says to count with them it’s always at the end of the excersise and they never start counting.)

i went with the chick trainer because, well, i don’t know. i just did.

so the other day i log on and the game starts up and… the Dude greets me and says, “hi. i’ll be filling in for your regular trainer today.”

“what? oh, hi. okay. …what?”

where did she… go?

family emergency? death in the family? car trouble? double coupons day at the supermarket?

was she off in someone else’s Wii helping them through the downward facing dog? IS THE WHORE TWO-TIMING ME?!

she was back the next day and didn’t apologize or anything for dumping me with Sir on Monday.
