
Category: dribblings

i just finished a great book by Melissa Delbridge called Family Bible. it’s her memoir of growing up in Tuscaloosa in the ’60s. it was awesome. i learned about the book from the author herself on goodreads. she had posted a blurb about it on the alabama goodreads group, and the blurb was so funny i wanted to read the book. so i requested it at the library (i’ve connections, you know) and the book came in last week! the book was really funny, but it was serious too. and it reminded me how weird Alabama is. how could i forget, right?

i really love this state. i don’t know why. on one hand it’s such a beautiful place and the people are so friendly and my god, the food. but on the other hand it’s history has some really ugly parts to it, and i think we forget that the history? wasn’t so long ago. and there’s just something about the south that thrives on secrecy and ugliness.

still, i’m glad i live here. sometimes i wish i had moved away to some posh city and had some kind of meaningful job. but when i go places to visit family or friends i miss home so much. even when i was in TN last week, i couldn’t wait to get home, and it’s not like TN is that far north, right? but there i was in a Kroger in Murfreesboro all, “SON of a BITCH i hate this town! there’s too many damn people! this parking lot is a gadam deathtrap! home! let’s go home!” it’s so big and busy and no one looks at you.

and i was hating it because even though it’s the south, Murfreesboro doesn’t feel like the south to me (there’s no sweet tea). i guess because it’s so big. it’s a college town and it’s crazy huge and everytime i go up to visit little bro, there’s a new roadway, mall, school being built. i mean, they’re even talking about builing a BibleLand theme park, for crying outs. i’m not even making that up.

and Gadsden may not be a prize, i mean let’s face it, we’re pretty limited in the entertainment department (although it has improved in the last 10 years), and yeah, there’s a lot of close-minded assholes. and the megachurches scare me. but the people here are so friendly it’s almost comical*. and you can go in any restaurant in town and get a big-ass sweet tea.

*i can’t tell you how many times i’ve been in the grocery store and asked a complete stranger a question about a product, “have you used this?” or asked how to cook something, “excuse me, have you made lasagne before? okay, is it cottage cheese i need? thanks!” and strangers are proud to help you out, i’ve never gotten a dirty look from someone when i’ve asked a question like that.


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