
Category: dribblings

i actually made it to mom’s coffee klatch this morning at The Grind. i didn’t make it last week cos the jeep wouldn’t start and the week before that i think i may have overslept. but this week, this week i made it. jamie, the tuesday morning barista, asked if i wanted to try the Sinatra. she’s always got a different latte for me to try, and she knows that i’ll try anything as long as there’s not banana flavoring in it. she says to me she says, “you want to try the Sinatra?”

and i said, “does it come with a fedora?”

“…no, but that would be awesome.”

i think she said it had caramel and cinnamon. it seems that the flavored lattes with the fancy names all taste pretty much the same. but they’re all good for a once a week treat. i couldn’t stomach drinking coffee that sweet every day. i can’t stand sugar in my regular coffee. and i’ve noticed that on the tuesdays i make it to the coffee klatch and drink the sugar fancy coffee, by the time i get to the library i’m wired for sound. and then i promptly crash after lunch.


yesterday at lunch i was with Mary and Suzie and Bennett. Ben wanted some gum and Mary told him that the gum she had was too spicy, but that she had a caramel in her purse he could have. i snickered. she was all, “what?”

“a caramel in your purse? that’s such a grandma thing to have.”

which is perfectly fine since SHE’S HIS GRANDMA. but she acted like i had just insulted her and proceeded to tell every patron and coworker about it for the rest of the day. which then turned into a “what did your grandma have in her purse?” conversation. most said their grandmas had tissue and chewing gum in their purses. someone asked, “well jaimie, what did yours have in her purse?”

“um, a pack of Winstons* and those gross mints…what were they… not Sucrets.”


“no, they were supposed to be chocolate mint, but they had no flavor. hold it, i’ve almost got it. it was a diet candy. not ayds.”


“VELAMINTS! she had velamints. the chocolate ones. and she kept her smokes in one of those long coin-purse type cigarette pack holders? so the lighter and the pack of smokes were always together?”

like one of these.

so what did your grandma keep in her purse?

*i seem to remember my grandma and grandpa only smoked Winstons and drank Busch beer. they lived in Tampa and i think maybe the Busch thing was cos the brewery was right there? it was probably cheap. but they’re the only people i know who ever drank Busch. remember the commercials? BUUUUUUUUUUSSSSCH!

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