you guys. yesterday the Wii Fit pulled that shit with me about “I’ll be filling in for your trainer today.” so instead of the girl trainer i had the guy trainer again. i figured he probably has a crush on me. he had to talk to the chick trainer all, “hey, lemme fill in for you tomorrow, please? i’m trying to hook up with that stone-cold fox, jaimie.” yeah, that’s probaby just how it went down.

s’anyway, today i logon and the chick trainer? the VIDEO GAME chick trainer? HAS HAD A HAIR CUT.

i’m not making this up. monday she had a her hair pinned up in the back. next day the dude is in charge. then she comes back with a bob. it’s not a Dorothy Hamil or anything, but it’s a bob.

i’m not making this up.

okay, obviously i made up the part where the guy trainer wants to get to know me (and let me just say, i had  a much larger made-up conversation in my head about what all he would trade with the chick trainer to get my time slot, and it had to do with him buying the next starbucks and/or bubble tea. yeah, that’s right, bubble tea. lookitup.) but other than THAT i’m not lying. she has shorter hair now.

i wonder if she’s going to Marcia Clark her way through the Hair Spectrum.

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