so i was talking with Mr. Fleegan and the Catoes and i admitted to liking the Windows 7 commercials. The ones where the normal people are all, “Windows 7 was my idea.” i like them because in the reenactments the normals are replaced with very good-looking people. i think it’s funny.


but what i had never noticed about the commercials are the parts where they are talking about some part of Windows 7. never paid attention. don’t care about it.

one of those commercials came on and i actually noticed whatever “feature” they were talking about and said, “hey, i have Windows 7. i never knew it could do that… with the… whatever that thing that it did.”

mr. fleegan: yeah, i took that off for you. i didn’t think you could work it.

me: oh. well. maybe you’ve a point.

laura: so how is Windows 7?

me: it seems normal. except i can’t find anything anymore.

laura: like what?

me: like the character map! i mean, remember how when you’d need the character map? and you’d click the start button and blam blam blam accessories tools something and THERE IT IS? well, it’s not there. nothing is there. i can’t find the accessories folder. i have to DO A SEARCH to find the character map!

mr. fleegan: what do you use the character map for?

laura: yeah, how often do you have to use it anyway?

me: i use it a lot! don’t you?




i can’t remember the last time i used the character map.

really? i use it quite a bit.


yeah, what are you using it for?

well, i… oh, mostly it’s the Scandinavian crime fiction.

*snickers all around*

…shut it. and they have these wacky letters that…

*more laughing*

i hate you all.

****** Avid Character Map User™
