16.  Blockade Billy  by Stephen King

You know how sometimes Stephen King books can be hit or miss? Well I can’t figure out which one this is.

First of all, it’s a short story. And it’s about a baseball player. You’d think short and baseball would be right up my alley right? Well, the story was fine and I enjoyed the way he made it seem like an old man was telling him the story. Make no mistake, it would have sucked as a full on novel, but as a short story that kind of story telling is okay.

But this short story is published on it’s own. It’s one short story. In hardback. The price on the book was $25.

This story is not worth $25. Maybe if there had been 3 baseball stories? That could’ve worked. But $25 for a short story with a half-assed ending? (The ending was half-assed, by the way.) Plus, in it’s extra small format and illustrations it seemed like juvenile reading. Take out the swear words and the gruesome In Cold Blood ending, and it would’ve been a kid’s book.

I have no idea what he was going for with this book. It would have been so much better without the dinkiness and maybe, like I said, if it had a couple of short stories instead of just one.

No me gusta.

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