
Category: dribblings

last night mr. fleegan and i were eating dinner with two of our compatriots and for SOME reason the horrible subject of ann coulter came up. (i know.) and my dear friend said that her parents like ann coulter and even own one of her books and sadly, i have lost all respect for these people because
1. her parents are extremely smart and well-read and
2. they should know better and
3. they probably DO know better and somehow that makes it worse that they listen to her and read her foul puke.

now, i don’t use the C word very often (read: as often as laura does) but i can say that ann coulter is a cunt and i feel no remorse in doing so. i said, “she will die bitter and alone, a cunt.” to which my friend replied, “all alone in her cunt mansion with her cunt money.” and then we laughed and laughed because, cunt money.


the knitting is going well. i’ve still not actually made anything but i have learned the purl stitch, and now i think i’m ready to make something. something really great and awesome.

i’m a little addicted to VH1 Classics.

i’m reading a great book called Horsemen of the Esophagus. it is about competative eating. i’ve never thought much about eating contests before.


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