this week’s word that is stuck in my head is Taliesin.

and i’m not particularly fond of FLW.



last week i watched  The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.  Liz and West were kind enough to watch it with me. This was good because they had not read the book. And what we learned is that if you’ve not read the book you’ve no idea what is going on in the movie. well, maybe that’s not true, maybe it’s that you don’t know the motivations of what’s going on in the movie.

also, the movie left out the REAL reason that Blomkvist took the Find Harriet job: Vanger was dangling a bogus carrot of Wennerstrom Information in front of him. in the movie it’s just Harriet once babysat Blomkvist, which felt weaker than a FLW roof. (snap!) i mean, what kind of thing is that?

“hi, i need you to find my niece.”

“but i’m a reporter. not the police.”


“when did your niece go missing?”


“that was quite a long time ago.”

“remember that summer you spent here on this island?”


“and my niece babysat you. here’s a picture.”


“so will you find her?”

“of course!”

weak. weaky weaker weak.

and the movie left out how Blomkvist has sex with everybody.


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