
Category: dribblings

today seemed to be errand day with a touch of Crazy Margaret added for sport. i baked cookies this afternoon (after the running of the errands and the dealing with CM) and now the house smells cozy. also, the fire i’ve got going makes it double cozy. fire! good!

i had to take roxy rockstar to the vet this morning for her yearly check-up/shots/shenanigans. she was a bad girl. she would not BUDGE after we entered the waiting room. when it was our turn to go back to see the vet? she turned into a dog statue. a heavy dog statue. she has never acted that way before at the vet’s office, but seeing as how the last time she went to the vet was when she ate rat poison and she had to spend the night there wretching her guts out…i can see how she would actually remember that and act accordingly.

it took two people to drag her down the hall and the whole time she’s looking at me with these glistening, gigantic anime eyes and her claws are digging into the concrete floor all, krrrrrrrrrrk. it was all around pathetic. and then, they put a muzzle on her because you never know what a huge terrified dog is gonna do and it was sad because she kept squeezing her tongue out to lick the vet tech. and now she’s on her pillow enjoying the fire and feeling slightly miserable. you can tell she’s not feeling wekk because she’s not being very active at all. poor wittle fweegan. aw.

junebug is in the hospital again (basically, she’s 4,000 years old). i went and hung out with her for a couple of hours today. i brought her some of the cookies i made and you’d have thought i’d brought her actual spanish treasure. doubloon cookies! i’ll probably go back tomorrow for a visit since it’s gotta suck to be in the hospital on Thanksgiving.

we’re doing the thanksgiving thing with mr. fleegan’s fam this year. leetle brahther and seester-een-law are doing it with her fam. so my parents are working at some kind of charity turkey dinner thing downtown. i think they’re both looking forward to it.

well, i’d blog more, but i’ve got this fire going and i desperately need to poke it for no reason other than apparently i’m a closet pyro.

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