
Category: dribblings

i’m sorry, but you will now have the song from Hair in your head all day.


okay, i did not make that shape up. i know you think i did, but think again. if i had made up a shape it would have totally been something juvenile like a penis or a pac-man or a chicken and NOT some one-armed, kite-headed pegleg pouring water out of a lop-sided bucket. i hate that the powerline is in the shot, but it makes me laugh that it looks like he’s watering the tree. in fact, the tree is blocking some of the “water”.
like it matters.

so this was taken in the backyard and i was facing south, i believe. about 9:30pm.

i know that Aquarius is in the zodiac, but i’m not a zodiac nerd, and therefore cannot tell you a thing about it. i want to say that in Greek mythology he’s got something to do with flooding the earth, but maybe i’m getting him confused with Poseidon.

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