last night we were watching some kind of garbage TV that i was sucked into. it started off a show about people and their strange phobias. then the next show sucked me in about this girl who eats chalk compulsively. yeah, i couldn’t look away. i wanted to. i wanted to not be watching a girl eat chalk and then deny that there was a problem, but how? how do you turn away from that? YOU CAN’T. THAT’S HOW.

so the cat was next to me on the couch (a rare inside visit for Lebowski.) and all of a sudden mr. fleegan and i heard the cat dish clink outside.

when cats eats food out of the dish, they never move the plate. they are not loud. they are smooth creatures. so when we hear the dish clink (or maybe it clanked?) we knew.

we looked at each other and i yelled, “‘possum!”

we jumped up and i opened the door to yell at the ‘possum, “git!” or some other such southern yell. but it was not a ‘possum.

it was three (3!) smallish raccoons!

nature’s little bandits, stealing our cat food!

they promptly ran off. so, no pictures.