If you guessed “giant fucking wild-assed coyote”, you win!

he was looking at Roxie. i was taking pictures. and thinking a big stick might be handy.


He caught a squirrel or rabbit. I think it was a squirrel. He pounced on it like a cat. and at first, all i saw was a big blur pounce into some tall grass and disappear. I thought it was a big cat. and by big cat i mean, a panther. or painter, they are also called. i was all, “shitfuck. why am i so pink and soft? i need a gun.”

also, Roxie was being a very good girl and right by my side the whole time. i am so thankful i had her on the leash. (sometimes, if no one else is around i’ll let her off the leash to run. i w ill now think twice four times before i break the rules again.) Rox didn’t bark or growl and she was probably thinking, “hey! new friend!” although her tail was not wagging. she was actually probably thinking, “you probably need a gun.”


I was too scared to move really. i thought that what if it’s crazy rabid? or so starving that it wants to see what my face tastes like?

luckily two other walkers were coming up and i pointed out the wild hell beast to them. the guy was all, “that’s a coyote. you can shoot ’em all year ’round. no one’ll care.”

i walked with them for a bit figuring there’s safety in numbers.

boosh! wild mammals!