
Category: dribblings

we’ve had an electrician out to the house to update some of the outlets as NOTHING in this place is grounded. which doesn’t bother me, but jimmy is all, “wah! my computer blah blah blah.” so, new wiring.

PS: NEW WIRING IS A BIT COSTLY. and i’m just talking about the wire that’s not including labor.


i’m standing as i type this because the computer chair is being used for something else. jimmy just walked by, rapid-fire spanked my bottom, said, “fanny patrol.” and walked on.

the hell?


today i HANDWASHED three decks. as in, on my hands and knees scrubbing with a brush. i used Tide instead of bleach. and actually, it was not slippery. bleach on wood=slippery deathtrap. Tide on wood=freshly laundered deck. my back is killing me. my knees? not so bad, i used knee pads. RESULT!


mom and dad’s new wikkle keekat is named Shenanigans. she’s finally starting to come out from under the couch and play.


my new eyeglasses don’t make me look like Harry Potter BUT NOT FOR THE EYEDOCTOR’S UNDERLING’S LACK OF TRYING. i told the lady, “i don’t care about namebrand frames but the frames MUST NOT BE ROUNDY AND BLACK FOR I WILL LOOK LIKE HARRY POTTER.”
she said, “okay.” and proceeded to hand me pair after pair of round black framed glasses. the first pair she handed over i looked at her all, “um, obviously these are ROUND and also WITH THE HEAVY BLACK FRAME.” but to humor her i put them on, looked in the mirror and said to her, “see? Harry Potter.”

she laughed.

then handed me ANOTHER PAIR JUST LIKE THEM. i did the only thing i could, the only thing any normal person would do.
i killed her.

anyblah, the frames i got are kinda dorky in a ’50s housefrau way, BUT NOT ROUND. EAT IT, BITCH.


my cell phone has bit the dust. it’s turning itself off and doing random bullshit like that. it’s driving me crazy. does anyone out there have one of the new motorolla PEBLs? are they worth it? are they bullshit i don’t need? i saw one that was orange and that’s why i wanted it. i know. so unlike me. “oooo pretty. i want it!” i’m usually more controlled than that. so anyway, if you call me and can’t get me it’s probably cos i lovingly placed my phone beneath the jeep’s tire and backed over it.

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