
Category: dribblings

this job sucks. my back and shoulder are in hate with me at the moment. i should finish up this deck today so maybe that will  help although i won’t get any days off between jobs, and that’s a bummer.


my boss called the other day all worried and sad about a stray cat hanging around the HCH. so in a moment of weakness i told her i’d swing by and get the cat.

what?! this is karmic justice at it’s finest. just ask liz.

so i brought it home in the jeep. then i called the Cat Whisperer, chris, and he came over and charmed the thing. it even took a crap in the litter box and covered it up. however, it has to be an outside kitty because i have an inside kitty, and toonces was none too pleased with the cute wittle beast.

so i fed it and it’s been hanging around and i made a vet appointment for it (must! remove! gonads!) and now i can’t find the gd shitbag. of all the stupid dumbhole things. i hate cats. especially cute, starving, extremely playful and sweet, stray shitbag kittens.

hell, i don’t want another cat. at all. but i’d at least like to get that one fixed so’s i know that whatever happens to it, who ever it does settle down with, i know it won’t be having catfightsex. as uncle dan says, “sex makes babies.” therefore catfightsex makes unwanted, feral, damn nuisance kittens.

i’m trying to be responsible!


florrie, i used my dutch oven on monday. i made your CHICKEN! CORN! CHOWDER! and everyone loved it, of course, because it’s the best food on the planet. RESULT!


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