
Category: dribblings

i was paint monkey today. which suited me just fine seeing as how that adding machine i use as office monkey is really giving me fits. i’ll be adding a bunch of numbers right? and then, all a sudden i’ll get a string of numbers and symbols that don’t exist on this earth. and i have to start over! it’s enough to make me yell and swear at the thing. and i hate to lose my cool over things like lists of numbers and stupid space machines.

we watched The Birds this evening. well, more like we ripped it apart, in a loving way, mind. very respectful.

i haven’t been reading much lately. i finished Wicked weeks ago and i’m now reading How To Kill a Mockingbird. liz, was it you who wanted to invent a drink called Tequila Mockingbird?

it’s just been too hot to lay in bed and read. it’s like the bed lamp is just shooting heat out. it’s miserable all over isn’t it? i was sweating huge drops of gross sweat this afternoon after work as i swept the brick walkway at my house when i heard a horn honk. i looked up and it was Dante Manglehorn! i waved and he waved and he shouted, “hey Roxy!” yes, he verbally acknowledged my dog and not me. it was funny ‘cos the dog was all, “huh? what was that? that’s my name! me!” and then i was all excited cos i remembered that i was going to get to see florrie on thursday at the St. Luke meeting when it hit me…it WAS thursday and the meeting was starting RIGHT THEN and i was in my paint monkey outfit and no shower. so once again i missed another meeting. i also missed mom’s coffee klatch on tuesday. so i’m batting a thousand.

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