If you’re wondering what happened to The Druggening: Day One, I took  the drugs BEFORE writing a post.

On Saturday I noticed that my hip was hurting a bit. As the day went on it got worse. It was a constant sharp pain. Sunday? The same. Monday? The same. Tuesday? Worse. I say it got worse on Tuesday because before that I could walk with no pain. In fact, walking and standing were easy. It was sitting and laying down that was causing all the pain. But Tuesday came and with it all pain with everything. And all this time I was eating ibuprofen like jellybeans. mmmm, jellybeans.

Jaimie’s Personal Scale of Pain:

1 – 5, meh.

6 – I’ll mention it to someone.

7 – I’ll complain about it.

8 – bad enough to go to the doctor, but I’ll probably wait until

9 – it makes me cry.

10 – I don’t know. natural childbirth? gunshot wound? gum surgery?

I cried about it Tuesday night. The crying was more out of frustration than pain. But since the pain caused the frustration, pain = cry = 9.  Also, I noticed that I was getting kind of snappish at work. Jan noticed right away. She insisted that this pain wasn’t going to go away on it’s own and made me call the doctor. It was either that, or she was going to take me to a chiropractor.

So I went to my doctor. By the way, I have a doctor. I don’t go to the Doc-in-a-box anymore. Do you know how GREAT it is to have a doctor? The SAME doctor, every time?

So my doc checked it out and said that it’s not really my hip, it’s the right side of my lower back. Some kind of nerveor something. He didn’t say Sciatica, so I don’t know if that’s it or not.  We’re going to try drugs first. and if it doesn’t get any better then we’ll do x-ray or a test or something.

1. So I now have some kind of souped-up anti-inflammatory that’s so bad ass I can only have it once a day.

2. Also a muscle-relaxer.

3. Hydrocodone.

All of these drugs together, so far, and I know it’s only been one day, but they’ve not helped the pain at all. This is the weird thing, the pain is still there. I can feel it. It’s just that the drugs? Make you not care about the pain. I’m so high I get the giggles. I can see how people would get addicted to this. But also? It’s boring. I can’t read or play a video game because my brain is too messed up to concentrate. I can’t go anywhere, because driving is right out. I can’t take my dog to the park.

So the high is cool for about 7 minutes. Then I’m just a boring zombie with pain.