I’m sorry. I haven’t been posting any pictures lately.  Will you forgive me?

After my hard drive crashed (and I lost all my pictures forever) I sort of got disenchanted with the picture taking. Plus it’s been raining since forever and I’ve not been out in the woods as much as I’d like. I’m trying to get back into the swing of things.

If you go to the park with Roxie and me you may be embarrassed because I take my camera. And maybe you get even more embarrassed (Justin) when you’re with me and, while in the parking lot, I start to follow a killdeer because:

1. It’s hilarious that they lead you away from their nests and

2. I wonder how far it will go?


Also, if you ever go with me to the park, or anywhere outside really, and I have my camera, don’t be surprised when I start swearing at whatever bird I’m trying to take a picture of. Those nervous bastards move a lot. If you hear me say, “Quit being an asshole!” chances are I’m not talking to you, but to the dumbass woodpecker who keeps ducking to the shady side of the tree trunk.

If, on the other hand, I’m making eye-contact with you and say, “Quit being an asshole!” Then you should stop being an asshole.

When I come home I’ll download the pictures I’ve taken and will try to immediately delete the really bad pictures: too dark, too light, too blurry, too stupid. But sometimes I’ll find that I’ve taken a picture of a bird and it chose that moment to fly or flap it’s wings. There’s something about these pictures; I just can’t get rid of them.
But what do you do with those?

I made a flickr set and called it Blurds. (Get it?)

This blueblurd has a bug in it’s mouth.

I really like the shapes of the birds and the splayed feathers.


This does NOT mean that I like birds or anything. I mean, as an artist I can appreciate the shapes and colors and whatnot, right?

I still think birds are filthy and brainless and jerks. Except of course birds of prey. They are still badasses.
