Category: dribblings
i just finished To Kill a Mockikngbird. you want to hear my TKaM story? no? well here it is anyway.
i went to help dad fix something in one of the rooms at the HCH. the lady wasn’t home as she was…i dunno, at a doctor’s appointment or something. anyway, we go in to install some handles in the bathroom and bedroom (like handicap handles that help people get out of bed or off the toilet) and in her bedroom i notice she’s got all these black and white pictures on the wall. well, i love looking at pictures that the oldsters hang on the walls ‘cos usually you get to see what the oldster looked like when they were younger and i just think it’s awesome and sweet to see family portraits from the ’60s and ’70s what with the collars and hair and all.
well, this lady had all these black and white photos of what i assumed were her husband and kids and i thought oh, she must’ve been a shutterbug, how cool. and i was admiring a really great picture she took of her husband and son sitting on a porch.
and i said, “wow dad, her husband was really handsome. what a hottie.”
and dad’s all, “yeah. can you hold this?”
“what a great picture. honestly, this guy kinda looks like…actually he looks exaclty like…Gregory Peck.”
“uh huh, come hold this.”
“waitaminutehere. that IS Gregory Peck. hey! these are all stills from To Kill a Mockingbird! oh. wait. are we in Mrs. A’s room?”
“yes. you’re a regular Nancy Drew. now get over here and HOLD THIS.”
see, the dude who played Jem is from gadsden and his mom lives at the HCH. his sis lives there too to take care of mom. the sis is one of the nicest, hardworking, interesting people i’ve ever met. i love it when she has a rare day off and she comes outside to smoke and she’ll talk to me for an hour about all this stuff she’s done. it’s awesome. she’s done everything and been everything. she should write a book.
also she used to be a house painter in New Orleans. so we always jive on painting for a while.
also she used to own my black jeep.
she’s cool as hell. i’ve never met the bro, but when i was in jr. high he came to the school to talk about…To Kill a Mockingbird i guess. i don’t know if he ever did another movie or not.
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