On Sunday Liz noticed this gross caterpillar on a weed that’s growing in our yard. She knew what the weed was, but not the caterpillar. I thought it was one of those horrible Tobacco Worms (what ate my tomato plants last year), but I was wrong. I looked it up later and found that it’s a caterpillar of the Tiger Swallowtail butterfly.


It looks small in that picture. Note that it had only eaten the top part of that leaf.

Also, it has false eyes. It looks like a muppet.


By day two it was this:

The hell is that pink thing? Is that the real caterpillar? It just hides in that green jacket? I don’t know. I’m not a scientist, I just own a camera.

By day three? It had totally (totes!) eaten that leaf.


Day four and five it had eaten another leaf on that weed, but I didn’t take a picture of that. Also, it poops a lot.

