
Category: dribblings

happy fourth of the july!

i went to mom&dad’s and had hotdogs, smoked sausage, beans, and macaroni salad. it was all so good. it was good until the neighbors brought over a karaoke machine. i shit you not. i can honestly say that’s the first time that’s ever happened.

i managed to leave unscathed.

when i got back to the ‘hood i thought i was under attack with all the firecrackers that were being shot off…in the pouring rain.
Kaze is going batshit insane in the basement right now.
Toonces Whorecat is in the closet hiding.
Roxy’s all, “hey, you got anything to eat?”


yesterday the old lady i take to dialysis, junebug, fell in her apartment and broke her arm and it was thought that she also broke her hip. the last i heard (which was late last night) it was just her arm that was broken. the poor little ol’ thing. she only weighs 85 pounds soaking wet. i can fit her in my pocket.


kelly comes back from ohio tomorrow. i miss the old slut.

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