This is a picture of West Coast Suzy’s cat, Scooter, fighting some Christmas tree garland. I’m told the cat in the background is named Tigger.

I got to thinking about if I had a cat named Scooter, what I would actually call it. I’ve talked before about how I shorten names and honestly, Mister Biscuits is more often called Pitters than anything else. I had a friend who had a cat named Black Natty. It was a black cat and natty was her way of calling any cat. Kind of like kitty. So if she saw your cat she’d be all, “Who is this natty? What a wittle natty.” That kind of thing.

If I had a cat named Scooter I’d call him Scoots McGoots. Then probably just Scoots.
And mostly Pitters.

So creative and yet, so lazy.


Do you listen to podcasts? I do. I enjoy the funny ones. In no order here’s the one’s I try to keep up with:

NPR’s Fresh Air
NPR’s Pop Culture Happy Hour
How Was Your Week with Julie Klausner
You Had to be There with Sara Schaefer and Nikki Glaser
WTF with Marc Maron
Extra Hot Great
The Moth podcast
ESPN Baseball Today

I also just started listening to Aisha Tyler’s Girl on Guy. Whatchoo listen to?