i started a new job today. a part-time job at the rbc library. so far it’s kinda like working at the HCH only with books. lot of oldsters go to the ‘brary. and they’re just as oddly demanding as they are at the HCH…or anywhere really.

the job is pretty easy so far. the hardest part has been working the laser scanner. i know. but somehow i manage to suck at scanning a damn upc symbol….you know, a skill a half dead retardo montalban monkey could learn? yeah, well apparently my superior brainwaves interfere with the laser. or maybe i’m just a huge goober what can’t work a damn piece of light.

i even had to take time to practice scanning books. i had to practice. i had to practice holding a scanner up to a book. there’s not even a damn trigger to it. it’s always on. it’s always scanning. you just have to point it at the damn book. i managed to laugh it off all, “heh heh, this job sure is hard. ha.” and then the book would scan and the other library workers would be all, “yeah. you gotta hold your mouth just right.”
honestly. and the other workers are really nice and sweet and all, “you’ll get the hang of it.” and i want to respond all, “get the hang of it?! figuring out the computer commands is something i’ll “get the hang of”! remembering to check the A/V returns is something i’ll “get the hang of”! but pointing a light stick at a bunch of lines and making it ‘BOOP’…that’s something i should be able to do while i talk on my cell phone, eat a sandwich and CHANGE OUT A CD WHILE I DRIVE MY CAR.  

not that i’m recommending you do those things while driving. i’m just saying.
scanner. upc symbol. the bane of my day.
and honestly, if that’s the WORST part of my day? i’ve had a complete great day. it was a great day cos i didn’t open any doors with blood oozing out and no one broke any bones.


my bowling scores: 95, 87. after a year of bowling i still suck hard. i’m slightly better at scanning books really.


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