
Category: dribblings

i just left a cake out in the rain.

dumb song. anyway. it ended up costing me $200 to get the jeep fixed. new starter. now the thing starts so fast it’s like i can start it with my mind.


mr. fleegan and i saw The Break Up this weekend.
worst. movie. ever. (technically, the worst movie ever is The Abyss but since that’s sci-fi it’s really not comparable.) don’t even rent it.


i had to work this weekend. staining a huge deck. Popsicle helped me and i’m so glad he did ‘cos if i did it myself it would’ve taken 3 days. i hate working on the weekend because well, duh, no one likes to work on their day off.


i’ve a new job now. well, a new extra job. that brings me up to 4 jobs. sorta.
see, i paint houses. i also work for an apartment complex painting apartments. then fellykish and i cart a lady back and forth to dialysis 3 times a week. and now, my newest job is a part-time office assistant for the apartment complex. the only bad part of this job is that it doesn’t pay well. so i kind of lose money ‘cos i could be out there painting houses for more money. but they really need someone to help out at that office and the work is simple. and it’s in the air conditioning (although the office itself is actually hot and stuffy.) feh. anyway, the boss thinks i’m a genius which, of course, and the crazy thing is the job involves math and we all know what a wunderkind i am at math.

wunderkind means “brainless moron”, right?

it’s simple math. addition mostly. there’s a sinister calculator that uses paper i’m sure it’s called something specific, not just sinister calculator. in the ’70s they probably called it a computer. anyway, it’s some kind of calculator that plugs into the wall. isn’t that crazy?

so anyway, i’m not ignoring you. i’m just busy.


i’m getting Moxied this week. i can’t wait to get this hair cut off. i have so much hair i don’t know what to do with it. it’s crazy.


don’t forget to vote this tuesday. i’ve a feeling we’re going to be stuck with Riley for four more years, but if that means we don’t end up with Darth Moore then i can live with it.

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