
Category: dribblings

last night was so much fun. a bunch of peeps went to the Blues and BBQ and it was cool ‘cos you could bring your own cooler full of whatever you like.
and we did.

i woke up this morning all shakey. and still drunk. AWESOME. a mild hangover hit around 3:30pm. then mr. fleegan and i went to the Bentley’s for a kinship meeting.  i kinda didn’t want to go but i figured it would be a good thing to go so we went. i didn’t want to go and see a bunch of people that i don’t know and then one of them say, “hey, weren’t you at the Blues and BBQ last night? yeah, you were the one wooing every 10 seconds while drinking two beers with one hand and smoking a menthol. we had to move ‘cos you sucked so bad.”

the kinship thing was pretty cool actually. i’ve never been to one before. so i wasn’t sure what to expect. it was calm and good. then the subject of blogs came up.

you know, i forget that real people read this. and it’s at times like that, when i’m surrounded by peaceful, holy, Jesus-loving, amazing christians that i think, “shit. i need to stop swearing like a fucking truck-driving sailor slut with tourette’s.”

oh, but i do enjoy the swear words.


i have mentioned many times that when i go to a gas station/convenient store crazy and wondrous things happen to me. yesterday was no different.

i go in and i purchase a Mt. Dew and a small package of Combos. i needed caffeine and salt. so the guy, a middle eastern gentleman, behind the counter says, “these don’t have a price.” he’s pointing at the Combos. so i say, “lemme go see.” so i go back to the snack section and look and none of the Combos snacks have any price anywhere near them. so i tell the guy, “they don’t have a pricetag.” so then he PICKS UP THE PHONE and calls someone and i hear him saying, “halla halla halla combos hlaa halla.” then he says it again. and again. then he spells the word combos. then do you know what he does? can you even guess?


“you tell him.”




“hello, what is this you buy?”

“um, Combos?”

“is candy?”

“no. it’s not candy.”

“is chocolate?”

“no, it’s a pretzel with cheese on it.”

“tell him…tell him sixty-nine cents.”


unbelieveable. it’s not like that guy hasn’t been working at that same gas station for the last 3 years.  and Combos, as gross as they are, they aren’t NEW, for crying out loud. who else would this happen to? who?!

i live the good life.


i have two more books i need to add to the 50 books page, but i am so lazy right now. plus they were two Dean Koontz books and i really wish i’d stop reading this pulp and actually read something with substance. and the book i’ve just started reading? i am ASHAMED of it. not only is it a murder mystery cop slop, but it’s also set in the future (sci-fi! shit!). and it’s written by J.D. Robb. and i don’t expect you to know this because you’re probably way cooler than me but, J.D. Robb? that’s a pseudonym. and as soon as you find out who the author actually is, i’m sure i’m going to be kicked out of your Cool Club. i hope i get an awesome e-mail from liz telling me how ashamed she is of me. SHAME.

i promise my next book is going to be something with some actual merit to it.

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