
Category: dribblings

today was mom’s yard sale at the church. she was raising money for her preschool. i think she made around $1600.00 which, is incredible because i was working the $5 Room and no one was buying anything. i think the clothes room and suzie’s 10 cent room were the most popular. people would walk in my room and be all, “oh this is the expensive room.” and they’d walk out. i was all, “what?! five bucks is NOT too much to ask for a kid’s bike. okay?! i mean look! all the tires are filled with air! the damn thing works! now buy it! BUY IT!”

people are idiots.


i need to get rid of some books. but it makes me sad to even think about getting rid of the books. but they’re just sitting in bags on my floor…and they’ve been there for a year. just sitting there…on my floor…looking all forlorn and messy. and they say, “jaimie, why do you hate us? why do you banish us in bags on the floor? we love you. we just want to bring you joy and…hey. HEY. ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING TO US?! HELLO?! if you don’t do something with us quick we’re going to kill you in your sleep!”

books are so violent.

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