I would screen cap and paste it here, but it’s getting too long.

Those sweet Lemerny Snicket fans are at it again. I’m going to call it Lemerny Snicket now.
If I ever wrote a book, I would hope that I would have tenacious fans of my work who would defend my (probably) crap writings to people who don’t care at all. And then I’d be all, “Ladies, calm down. They don’t have to like it.”
And they’d be all, “What? But…”
“It’s okay. We can all have different opinions, see? You can like things and not like things. Isn’t it great?”
“Thank you! Thank you for freeing us from the bondage of our own closed minds!”
“You’re welcome, now go! Go like and/or not like things in peace.”

This would never happen of course, because I’ve burned up any potential fan karma by continually engaging with these Lemerny Snicket fans and their hard line you-didn’t-like-the-book-you-must-be-stupid comments they keep leaving me.
