Category: dribblings
i watched the St. Louis/Chicago game last night. that was a great game. except StL lost. but i got to see another grand slam, and those are just too cool.two things i’ve noticed while watching the Cardinals play ball:
1. the commentators love Albert Pujols, and they say his name approx. 600,000 times per inning. (psst. guys. there are other players…in fact, there’s a whole other team out there on the field, and? they just won the game.)
2. Tony LaRussa looks more and more like the Penguin from Batman.
in other baseball “news” that you care nothing about:
the Yankees are in the basement. already.
in other “you’ve got to be kidding me…are we in Bizzarro World?” news:
Detroit’s in first.
but with only 6 games played, it’s not like any of this matters yet.
Tags: baseball
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