
Category: dribblings

today is leslie m. and melfa’s b’day. they are probably a year older than they were last year, but also a bit younger than me.

i’m trying to read Carson McCullers’s “enduring masterpiece”, The Heart is a Lonely Hunter. this book is killing me because it’s one of those Southern Gothic type books where you hate all the sad, lonely people so much you wish they’d either START TALKING TO EACH OTHER, YOU IDIOTS! or you wish they’d just die and maybe someone interesting will enter the picture.
so far, i’m not getting the whole “enduring masterpiece” thing.
i’m only 117 pages into it, so maybe something actually happens later on in the book and that’s the only reason i’ve kept reading so far.

on one hand though, i want to say that IF NOTHING HAS HAPPENED 117 PAGES IN, THEN PRETTY MUCH THERE YOU GO. SWEET MOTHER OF PEARL, READING THIS BOOK IS LIKE CONSTANTLY BANGING YOUR HEAD AGAINST YOUR OWN HEAD! and usually if i said something like that it would be kind of a cool thing (like House of Leaves ), but this time when i say it i mean it like How Green was my Valley.

reading southern writers is like watching someone watch a train wreck. you want to be all, “how rude! i think it’s terrible that people want to see all that blood and gore.” but secretly, you kinda want to peek.
dash, you southern authors! the way you weave a creepy tale with creepy people! how the unsettlingness of your stories haunts me and makes me crave more!



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