walkin’ and talkin’.
Category: dribblings
At the park this morning dad and I were passed by a gaggle of Joggin’ Moms. We love it when they pass us because we always get to hear the weirdest piece of a sentence as they go by. Today it was, “…and I’ll NEVER do THAT for two hours AGAIN, I SWEAR.”
There were three of them jogging in a row next to each other. After they got out of ear shot (I hope) dad says, “So are they jogging 3 abreast? Or is it six?”
At work yesterday a really cute kid came up to the desk as they were checking out their books and he said, “Tomorrow, when I go to kinvergarden I have six tests!”
“Wow, six tests? That sounds like a lot.”
“Yeah, it is. It is a lot.”
“Did you study?”
“If I win all my tests I get to choose if I want animal crackers, candy corn, or both!”
“Whoa, that’s awesome! I hope you win all your tests.”
One Comments
I came for the boob jokes and left satisfied.
***would recommend****