So the other day Mr. Fleegan was looking at our taxes. And if you’ve been friend to the blog for a while you know how I am about taxes. (search the site and you’ll see.) In short, when Mr. Fleegan starts talking about taxes I put my hands over my ears and go, “LALALALALALA!” Like the perfectly normal 6 year-old child I am.

He has my W2, but not his, so he’s looking at his W2 from last year (cos his job stuff didn’t change or anything) and kind of guessing at how the numbers are going to turn out. So he’s tooling around with the numbers and he’s a smartypants engineer-type so he looks up things and figures things out. He’s got papers, receipts, an abacus, scales with doubloons on it. There’s a sacred stone tablet with alchemy recipes on it? I don’t know, tax stuff.

“We’re going to owe again this year.”

“What?! C’mon, they anally raped us last year! What happened THIS year?”

*insert boring conversation with me getting more and more angry here*

So anyway. We owe. Again. Lots of money (to me). I mean, it’s enough money that I couldn’t write you a check for it today. We’re going to have to save and scrape till April. It’ll be fine. Last year Mr. Fleegan got a bonus in March and that’s what we used to pay it off. Probably that’s what we’ll do this year too.


The next day I’m at the park walking Roxie and talking to God. Praying at the park is easy cos it’s all nature-y and the sun was out which makes everything pretty. You should try talking to God at the park sometime. So I’m talking to God all, “Hey listen, Lord, this whole tax thing. It’s such a bummer. But hey! I’ve got those paintings downtown! If my two paintings sell, that would be almost enough to pay our taxes! Yeah, yeah that sounds good, right?” Cos making up the difference is a doable number.

But then my next thought is, Jaimie, are you trying to give God an idea? Like God doesn’t know all the ideas? Like God wouldn’t have a BETTER idea?

So then I’m all, “Hey Jesus, nevermind. Here’s the thing, you know exactly what we need, and you always provide for us, so thank you. Thank you for your provision that I know you’re going to give us. In Jesus’ name, KTHXBYE.”

Didn’t think anything else about taxes for the rest of the morning.

A few hours later Mr. Fleegan sends me a text saying he got his W2 and has worked the numbers and we only owe $56. And the state owes us nearly $200. So we actually get some money this year. First time in seven years!


Yes. The answer is yes.

Thank you Jesus, for taking care of us!



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