This site has become tiresome and boring, and I apologize. My bad. It’s the iPhone’s fault. Since I have a computer in my pocket I rarely ever turn on Ye Olde Desktop to do anything but write book reviews. (And the occasional game of WoW. And you can shut your face right now.)

So I was thinking, hey, wouldn’t it be great if WordPress had an app that would let me blog from my phone, making it easier for this phone to control my life more completely? Too bad something like that doesn’t exist.

But on a lark I checked the app store. And guess what? That app DOES exist! All glory to the Hypnotoad!

So I go to download it, but the phone has to have iOS7. And see, I’ve been one of the holdouts. Cos I heard everyone bitch about the update and no one liked it and it kills the battery and whatevercakes don’t bug me with updates just let me live my simple life.

Then I thought, hell, just get the update. Then you can do the app and do your blog and be relevant again. Cos blogs are still relevant, right? Right?
Oh my God, what are you talking about?
Did Tumblr kill the blogs? Was it the teenagers and all their FEELS?

Damnit. So much for this update then. My phone tells me I have 28 more hours to go.

What am I doing?


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