bussmannGet this book and put it in your face.

Jane Bussmann is a British comedy writer/celebrity journalist who, after having a bit of crisis in her life, decides to become a Useful Person and tries to follow human rights activist (a very hot human rights activist) John Prendergast to Uganda to write about his work. She does this by not really knowing what she needs to do this. She’s never worked as a foreign correspondent. I feel like this probably makes her the best person for the job.

Ms. Bussmann does a fantastic job of writing about the self-centeredness of Hollywood and the incredibly devastating reality that is Uganda, while adding piles and piles of hilarious self-deprecation on top. It doesn’t seem right that reading a book about the horrors of 20,000+ children being kidnapped and forced to join a rebel army should be so entertaining. I can’t tell you how many times I laughed out loud. I also can’t tell you how many times I kept thinking, “My God, is she TRYING to get killed?!” But thank God, she didn’t die, and thank God, she did make this a funny, entertaining story cos otherwise you’d just want to curl up under a blanket and never get out of bed.

I sincerely hope she keeps being a Useful Person and continues to write about it.

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