
Category: dribblings

sorry for lack of updates. i’ve been out of town all weekend. in The Land Of Flowers. some call it Florida, Stewie calls it “God’s waiting room”. the fam was visiting my grandpa and my step-grandma? is there a better word for this? please?
he just got out of the hospital last week, and he’s doing great. it was really great to see him. i got to see him last year, but my brother hadn’t seen him in 3 or 4 years. is it weird to go long without seeing your grandparents? if they’re alive, i mean.
my grandparents have always lived at least (at LEAST) 10 hours away. and it’s expensive to fly a family of four. and also, i don’t fly. so we don’t see them very often. when we were kids, our summer vacation was basically visiting grandparents. in june we’d go to Akron and in August/September we’d go to Tampa.

and then we’d get to see them sometimes if they were driving from Tampa to Akron, they would stop for a day or two on the way since we’re a good midpoint. you know how those snowbirds migrate in the summer so the tourists can come and eat oranges and get skin cancer.

when i got home Mr. Fleegan had put an electric fence up to keep Kaze in. so far so good. also when i got home the dryer hose had ripped and i didn’t realize it until i went into the laundry room and was all, “wow, it’s humid in here. shit.” luckily jimmy was here and used his “strong hand” (hee, kelly) to move the dryer and then he duct taped it back with my girlie purple duct tape for a quick fix until i can go buy a new hose.

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