
Category: dribblings

i saw Narnia this evening. i think i may have a bit of the PMS (full moon and all) because let me tell you what, sisters, i cried like a baby. i cried so much, that my hankie (i tend to carry a clean one in my pocket, in case of emergencies like, you know how when you smell the shampoos at the store? and sometimes one kind of burps in your face and you get goop all over? well, in just such an occasion a hankie is very handy.) was soaked by the time i shamefully put it back in my pocket as the house lights came on.

every time i’d just get myself under control something else would happen and the waterworks would start over again.


i made this for mom for her birthday. everyone loved it. thank you, Paula Deen, for existing.


after work i ran to the bank and then i hit the used book store. a man tried to give me a sackful of books but i didn’t want them because they were romance books, and i don’t read those. and he says, “but they’re free, are you sure?”
and i wanted to say, “oh well, i don’t read very much.” but that’s a lie. why else would i be at a book store if i didn’t read? so i said, “well, i don’t read romance novels. but thank you for the offer.”
he looked at my purchase and looked back at me and was all, “okay then.”

i was buying a romance book.

it’s not what you think.
y’see, i enjoyed Julie Kenner’s Carpe Demon so much i wanted to read another one of her books and the only one the store had was a bollicky romance story. in fact, ALL OF HER OTHER BOOKS are romance stories, with bodice-ripping covers.. this is disappointing to me.

normally when i buy something cheesy, i try to temper it by buying something good, like a literature book or something. however. it seems that every time i go to a book store, library, or Blockbuster Video i am hit with the sudden and urgent need to poop. or as some folks say, do a Bad Job. this was no exception. so i had no time to browse.

i also went to the liquor store and then went to mom and dad’s house where dad and i did a few shots of various liquors (one of which was Jager, and my goodness, you might as well call it NyQuil. in fact, i think i’m going to start keeping my NyQuil in the fridge. it’s better cold.) then we finished off the binge with a round or two of irish coffee. i like how the two liquor sites ask if you’re over 21. what is the point? Carolan’s is cheaper and better than Bailey’s. so so yourself a favor and “save a buck or two”. just a little tip from Auntie Jaimie.
remember: please drink with ‘sponsitility. braaaap.

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