
Category: dribblings

happy! thanksgiving! okay?! okay!

last night was expensive and it kinda sucked. i had a goodish time. the first place we went to was the CCA ($10 per ticket) to see a band called the Blueground Undergrass. they say they’re “hick hop”. we kinda thought they would be funny and do bluegrass covers of R&B tunes. well. they don’t. they were more like the Grateful Dead. and that’s not a bad thing. but that’s not what we wanted to see.


but that’s just us. i mean, “hick hop”? LIARS! i know that TONS of people love the Dead, but we don’t. the songs all have the same tempo and just drone on and on and it’s only fun for the band and the drunk girl in the flowie skirt who dances with her beer bottle.

the guitarist was cute though. he looked JUST LIKE laura’s TV boyfriend, whom i cannot find a picture of to link to at the moment. HOW IS THAT POSSIBLE, INTERNET?

speaking of beer. while there i got to try a beer i’ve never heard of but now want to find. it’s called Blue Moon and it’s from Belgium. it’s good and kinda sweet. usually imports are too beery for me (now that i’ve switched to my water beer, Mich Ultra) and too expensive. but this stuff was reasonable and delicious. now if i can just locate some more…


when we were bored of that we then went to The Nut. this was, as you might know, a big mistake. i was not aware of how mistakey it would be. it was a $10 cover charge…on a wednesday night. mhuh? didn’t my dad and i used to go there every wednesday? and wasn’t cover like, $4? and didn’t they have decent blues bands?

well, not on this hell night. nay.

the band was called Fly by Radio. and THEY SUCKED. they were an ’80s cover band. sounds like fun. but in reality…it’s not fun. because it = no talent. the bass player was the cheesiest cheese since cheese came to cheesetown. he was shirtless. long blonde hair and had a glitter headband.

i paid $10 human dollars to see a glam rock band?

i would’ve rather given the ten to a crackhead.



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