
Category: dribblings

i guess next time i have a gross, disgusting, and sad story i’ll put a warning on it so you’ll know before you read it that ew, gross! tina “sugarlips muldoon” sewell was none too thrilled with yesterday’s post. hee.


five things you might not know about me:

1. i seem to be allergic to “all natural” things containing plant extracts. i break out in itchy blotches. this makes me wary of trying herbal supplements.

2. i take the New Yorker because i like the book and movie reviews. the fictions stories are okay sometimes.

3. i’ve never been in a fistfight. but i’d like to be in one just so i could have a story where i could say, “…so there i was on the ground crying like the complete wuss i am, oh but you should’ve seen the other guy/girl…”

4. i’m scared of guns. when i see a real gun in real life i get so tense you could probably clap your hands and i’d have a heart attack.

5. i don’t think Mark Twain was “all that”.


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