
Category: dribblings

mister fleegan and i saw Serenity tonight. i can’t help but say “serenity now!” in my head when i say serenity for any reason.
the movie was, forgive me my friends, okay. i know, i’m a minority because i’m one of the few who have not fallen under the wicked spell of joss whedon. forgive me for being a nonbeliever. sometimes i wonder if i would like his stuff better if i could read it and not watch it.

i guess if you’ve watched the television series you’re more attached to the characters and you understand more of what is going on in the movie. so that’s a mark against me since i haven’t seen the show. but i feel a bit duped as i thought it was going to be funnier than it was, what with the previews making it look funny and all. i didn’t count on them showing ALL the funny parts in the previews. i call shennanigans!

i won’t bore you with all the reasons i didn’t like the movie, ‘cos it’s mostly my hang ups with sci-fi in general (including my knee-jerk reaction to movies about the future that look like the past), except for the parts where my reactions were:

“what?! no.”
“he has a cowboy gun?”
“that death? was unnecessary. it didn’t even make sense. i mean, honestly? that one was 1000 times more wasted and nonhelpful to the story than that time they killed off the Highlander’s girl friend.”
“he married a…femme-bot?”

those reactions were warranted. i think another reason i didn’t enjoy the movie as much was the Narnia preview. i kept thinking about it and wondering if i should read the books first or movie first then books. so if you want to read a snarky review of the slightly blah movie: go here. (i couldn’t believe someone else didn’t like the movie. she seems to hate it actually. i didn’t hate it.)

so let me not bore you with why i didn’t like the movie. let me tell you what i liked. hm?
1. i think it’s the only space movie i’ve ever seen that has celtic music.
2. i would have never put “psycho” and “ballerina” together. but y’know, it works!
3. the funny parts.
4. the girls get to kick ass too!
5. the new sidney poitier.
6. there is no #6.
7. the quirky mechanic girl.
8. a movie in space! and God was mentioned! in a positive way!

i can’t think of anything else right now. i give it three jose cansecos. rent it.


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