
Category: dribblings

i have a sore throat. my ears hurt. my eyes are scratchy. and? and? the top of my head hurts. wha? people that i have known and loved for all my life tell me that it’s “allergies”.

allergies?! ALLERGIES?!

i’ve never had so-called “allergies” in my life! i refuse to believe in allergies. however, all this nonesense started after i picked up the nine billion sticks and branches that had fallen in the yard. dammit. but i don’t think i can make myself go to the doctor, because even though i have insurance it STILL costs actual money to see the doc, and i can’t afford it right now because:


rockstar Roxy is sick too. she’s been hacking. i thought it was from all the logs and sticks she’s been eating. i figure she’s got splinters in her throat. (you should see her poo. it looks like sticks and bark and poo. stoopid.) but if she’s still hacking on tuesday i figure i’ll take her to the vet to get her checked out. $$$


the jeep is broken. it’s wants to start, God love her, but somethings wonky with either the fuel line or fuel pump or something. it’s acting like it’s not getting any gas. she’s stuck at mom and dad’s house until tuesday i guess, then i’ll call a wrecker to take it to my mechanic’s place. $$$


so early this morning (12:15) i get a phone call and it’s my leetle brahther. he, cindy, and dad are at the bar and he’s locked his keys in the car. he wants me to drive to the bar ‘cos i have dad’s truck (see above paragraph) which has tools in it. normally, this wouldn’t have been a big deal to me. the bar is a couple blocks away from where i live. however, i was sleeping like the dead, because of my throat/ear/eye soreness. and i was pissed to be awakened from it because
A. everything started hurting again and
B. i had told those boneheads they didn’t need to go to the bar tonight seeing as how they had partied two nights in a row already. they called me old.
well, maybe next time they’ll listen to Old Jaimie.

by the time i got home my head/throat/ears was hurting so bad that i couldn’t fall asleep. so i ended up watching Little House on the Prarie until 3am, but that is a different, longer story.

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