
Category: dribblings

it’s good to have my wheels* back. and i LOVE having an older model jeep because
A. you can find parts for them and
B. the parts are WAY more affordable than the parts for the newer jeeps…when you can find parts for the newer jeeps.

yay old jeeps!

it only cost me $200 to get her fixed, which as laura pointed out to me, is less than a car payment.

*that old weekly just kills me. when i called laura to tell her about it i said, “hey i just wrote this valentine’s weekly and it starts out, “i love you, sexy. we’ve been together for 10 years now-”
and the bitch interrupted me and said, “it’s about the jeep isn’t it?”

she does that ALL THE TIME. you know how pamie.com is the Wonderkiller? well laura is the Wind Out Of Your Sails Taker…and if i had any kind of vocabulary at all i’d have been able to come up with a better way to describe that. she is a GOON.


fellykish came back from hellhio. she was glad to find that i had not stolen any Magic Frogs or foiled her place. and she said she liked the additions i had made to her calendar.

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