Category: dribblings
my leetle brahther had his surgery today. the proceedure took about 5 hours and the surgeon said he was pleased with how it went. they removed his colon no problem. they were supposed to remove all of the rectum but they only took part of it and said that they’ll probably have to take the rest of it out at another time. we are all severely bummed about this because
1. why didn’t they take it all out while they were in there?
2. we were hoping this would be the last of the surgeries.
3. no one wants to tell justin because…obviously.
i guess we’ll find out tomorrow why they didn’t take it all out. there’s probably a good reason for it. there better be a good reason for it.
it’s 10:30pm and i haven’t heard from mom and dad which means either
A. they haven’t seen justin yet. which i think is highly unlikely. or
B. he hasn’t got a room yet, which is more likely, and also sucks gigantic piles. because it’s so yucky to have to be all miserable in a room with strangers who are also miserable.
please continue to pray for him.
Tags: leetle brahther
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