
Category: dribblings

there is a dead rat somewhere in my walls. i cannot get to it without smashing holes in my walls.

my house stinks.


i am full of hate and rage.


so after calling liz a bonehead what does she do?
she calls me and invites me to supper.
i am an asshole.


leetle bro is home but will have MORE surgery in a couple of weeks so please still pray for him. like, i don’t know what church you go to, but when someone says, “are there any prayer requests?” you could say, “yeah, there’s this girl on the internet and her little brother needs some healing.” and God will know who you are talking about.
that’s his job. if you really want specifics e-mail me. pickle at fleegan dot com.


i forgot to post this link last week, but do you guys remember that weird flower that wisconsin wendy got to see a couple of years ago? the corpse flower? well, it bloomed again. that is one of the strangest things i’ve ever heard of.


honestly, i am this close (scrunch up thumb and index finger) to smashing holes in my walls to find the death rat.
it was probably one that lola sent over to spy on me.

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