
Category: dribblings

so i worked forever, right? so i said to myself, “self, you deserve a break today.” so i gave myself the day off. so what did i do on my day off? well, it all started at 7:45am.
mowed the lawn
cleaned out the fish pond
went to the bank
went to the store (postage stamps! arghh!)
washed the jeep
washed dishes (i bought new glasses! i’m a grown up!)
swept (vacuumed) the floors
murphy’s oil soaped the hardwood floors
spicked AND spanned the vinyl and ceramic floors
payed bills (math!)

it was a bright, hot, sunny, humid, hot, sunny day today. and i sweated greatly while doing my outdoor chores, especially the cleaning of the fish pond. oh, have i not mentioned the fish pond before? well, the house i bought has a fish pond.
it’s basically an old bathtub that’s been covered in that rubber landscaping stuff and buried in the yard. tres redneck. it might not be so bad if it didn’t look EXACTLY like someone buried a tub in the yard. i gotta get some big rocks around it or something. anyway, i lovingly refer to it as “that goddamn fish pond” and “those goddamn goldfish.” there’s 8 or 9 fish.

so i cleaned it out because the water was blackeen. the smell got worse the more i pumped the water out. yeesh. (i actually went to the bank after cleaning it out and it wasn’t till i got back in the car that i noticed my legs were covered in pond scum. hi. i’m a dorkus malorkus.) anyway, clean water now. we’ll see how long that lasts. i think i should buy some of those aquarium snail things. like, 10 of them.

did i mention the sun and the hotness? did i mention that i washed the jeep? because it was so sunny and hot. did i mention that 3 hours later a CLOUD OF DOOM came over the city and poured out it’s guts on my city and MY FRESHLY WASHED JEEP?! does it have to happen EVERYFUCKINGTIME?
“it done come up a gully-warsher.”

i didn’t know it was supposed to rain today. nobody cleared the thundershower with me, Lord. (i don’t actually expect God to tell me when it’s going to rain. i just thought that sentence would be funny.)

BUT NO KIDDING! every time i wash my jeep. EVERY TIME! even laura was all, “wow, that happens every time.”
“i know. i should take this gig out on the road.”
“yeah, to the drought areas.”
“for real. i could be famous.”


but there was a small miracle in all this. i was outside for 5 hours and not once did Crazy Margaret come by. i am truly blessed.

however, Crazy Lola was out cruising the streets. not even the thundershower could slow her down. yep, just out driving in a vacant haze that would probably scare the rest of us. just another day in the ‘hood.


the TN trip went well. li’l hoostin’s house is very nice and now newly painted. well, most of it anyway. we’re painters, not miracle workers.
on saturday night we ate at this AWESOME mexican restaurant called Fiesta Alcapulco. maybe i spelled that right? GREAT margaritas!
i enjoyed four or five and then promptly did not want to do anything else. including move or breathe. but then i got my second wind and called liz. this was around 11:30pm.
sorry liz.
i had forgotten what we talked about but
she didn’t!

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